In Business for the Blackstone |
Water Quality Monitoring
Fishable/Swimmable Campaign |
Tackling Stormwater |
Riverbank Restoration
What we’re doing is working collaboratively to win the Campaign for a Fishable/Swimmable Blackstone River.
Campaign for a Fishable-Swimmable Blackstone River
In order to marshall the resources to actually clean up the Blackstone River, in 2003 the Blackstone River Coalition launched the Campaign for a Fishable/Swimmable Blackstone River.
To build a roadmap for the Campaign, the BRC is working with federal, state and local agencies, as well as non-profit organizations, academic institutions and businesses to create a bi-state watershed action plan.
To improve water quality to achieve a fishable/swimmable Blackstone River, the Campaign focuses on the following:
Cold Water Fishery Protection
- The BRC has received $25,000 from Massachusetts Environmental Trust grant program to bolster our three project priority areas.
- support of Year 15 of our award-winning Blackstone River Coalition watershed-wide volunteer water quality monitoring program
- focus on MA cold water fishery streams in the Blackstone River watershed where we have long-running monitoring sites
- conduct an education and outreach program in the cold-water fishery sub-watershed communities, including the four cwfs in urban Worcester
(Tatnuck Brook, Ararat Brook, Coal Mine Brook and Poor Farm Brook), and the 9 cwfs in the mill towns of Grafton, Upton, Sutton, Northbridge,
Douglas, Uxbridge (Cold Spring Brook, Centerville Brook, Cook Allen Brook, Miscoe Brook, Warren Brook, Meadow Brook, Emerson Brook, Bacon Brook, and the West River)
Stormwater Management
Wastewater Treatment
Land Use
- Protecting undeveloped areas, restoring wetlands and riparian areas, protecting cold water fishery streams, encouraging Low Impact Development strategies such as reducing impervious surfaces, increasing infiltration, and planting native species.
Stream Flow
- Restoring flow by methods such as:
Recreational Opportunities
- Continueing to build a system of river access points to increase opportunities for fishing, canoeing and enjoying passive recreation
Education and Outreach
- Developing programs to increase watershed awareness and appreciation and encourageing active stewardship
A Two-Tiered Campaign:
The grassroots level
The business level
Blackstone River Coalition
P.O. Box 70477  Worcester MA 01607
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